Saturday, March 28, 2015

She's got legs and she knows how to use them

That's one great ZZ Top song and so are the new pinball legs!

Unfortunately, the old leg levelers that came with the legs are too rusty to be restaurated properly. The bottom was already crumbling away, so we had to replace them.

Old leg levelers.

We got shiny new legs levelerss from and leg mounting brackets including screws from

The new leg levelers from

But, as always, there was a catch. The old leg levelers had a M8 thread, the new ones have an M12. So it won't fit. No problem here, we drilled a M12 hole and cut a thread so they do fit now.

M8 hole

M12 hole

New leg levelers attached.

So the legs are prepared, but where should they be placed? Sven from told me, that the front height from the floor to the lockbar should be 93cm. That's not possible with the new leg levelers being a bit higher than the old and with the Launch ball button in the way, but it's pretty close.

The original measurements for the bottom screw of the legs should be 100cm in the front and 50cm in the back, but with the higher leg levelers, that has to be adjusted a bit.

Front leg holes

Didn't know how to draw the holes in a 45° angle but this should suffice. The distance between the 2 holes is 57mm and, due to the Launch Ball button, the max height for the top hole (and the bracket) is 160mm. This should result in ca. 96cm height for the lockbar. Close enough for rock and roll!
We can't really measure it right now, as we don't want to screw down the bracket before painting. We don't want the holes in the wood to wear off.

The cabinet should have a slope of 3,3° so the 50cm can be used here as the leg levelers are long enough to reach the 3,3° slope and nothings in the way.

We used a 10mm drill for the M8 screws so they fit in without any hassle.

Backside leg holes

Front legs attached

Leg bracket with the culprit button

Backside legs attached

Doh! It happened again! When we cut out the hole for power connector, we didn't think of the brackets. We'll fix this tommorow with wood and filler...

Oops i did it again...

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